Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Postdoctoral & Visiting Scientists

The Wadsworth Center, a research-intensive public health laboratory affiliated with the New York State Department of Health, provides a unique and dynamic postdoctoral training environment. Basic and applied research programs[1] at Wadsworth focus on infectious disease and immunology, molecular genetics, neuroscience, structural and cell biology, and environmental health sciences among others.

Supplementing this training environment are state-of-the-art core facilities[2]; broad-based graduate programs in the biomedical[3] and environmental sciences [4]with University at Albany, State University of New York; and initiatives in biodefense and emerging infections[5], genomics, and structural and computational biology.

Please contact the scientist directly[6] to learn more about the opportunities available in the laboratory of interest, then fill out and submit this contact form[7].