Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Newborn Screening Follow-up Process

For unsuitable or borderline specimens: A repeat sample is required as soon as possible. A request for a repeat will be sent to the hospital of birth designee and the responsible physician. The name of the responsible physician is listed on the blood collection form by the hospital of birth. Primary care providers should not assume that “no news is good news.” The Newborn Screening Program’s initial request for a repeat is made to the hospital of birth. If a repeat is not received, a call is made to the responsible physician of record.

For abnormal results requiring a diagnostic evaluation (referrals): The Newborn Screening Program will call the responsible physician and the closest specialty care center. If a responsible physician was not identified or incorrectly identified, the hospital designee will be contacted. Typically, the specialist and the primary care provider will discuss the case and determine a plan for follow-up testing and consultation.

For HIV abnormal results: The hospital designee is notified exclusively.