Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Scientific Programs

Wadsworth Center’s Seminar Series

The Center sponsors a wide variety of seminars to provide specific scientific benefits and intellectual enrichment to the Wadsworth Center community and beyond. Seminars are generally initiated by invitations from an individual investigator to the speaker. Dates are coordinated by the seminar committee in collaboration with the Office of Research & Technology, who will then coordinate the logistics of the seminar (travel arrangements for the speaker, room reservation, announcement and refreshments before the seminar). However, on-site schedules and other activities are the responsibility of the inviting person.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)[1]

The Wadsworth Center holds a 10-week summer undergraduate research program with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific research experiences for undergraduate students by working with mentors. Administrative support is provided with processing applications and coordinating events and activities for this program.