Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Ambulance Transfusion Services

An ambulance transfusion service is defined as an ambulance service certified by the Department of Health that administers blood components during transport from one hospital to another hospital. Section 58-2.20 of Title10 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) requires ambulance transfusion services to have a written agreement with each hospital issuing blood components to the ambulance service for possible administration during transport to another hospital.

There are two ways to apply for approval as an ambulance transfusion service. Each ambulance service may apply individually or the Emergency Medical Service Program Agency may apply for multiple ambulance transfusion service approvals for those ambulance services within the EMSPA service area. 

Individual Ambulance Transfusion Service Application 

Complete and submit the following:

Program Agency Application for Agreements with Multiple Blood Banks

The Emergency Medical Services Program Agency (EMSPA) submits the following:

Questions regarding ambulance transfusion services should be directed to[9].