Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (


Application materials are available for laboratories to apply for ELAP certification for Total Microcystins.  Certification for Total Microcystins will be offered in the Drinking Water and Non-Potable Water categories using Total Microcystins by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 546 – Determination of Total Microcystins and Nodularins in Drinking Water and Ambient Water by Adda Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (ELAP method number 9168).

Any laboratories currently performing Total Microcystin analysis using ELISA on Drinking Water and Non-Potable Water samples originating from New York State will need to submit either or both a primary application in the Potable (Drinking) and Non-Potable Water category and supporting documentation (see below) by Friday, May 4, 2018.  Any laboratory that is currently performing total Microcystin testing and that has submitted a timely application for certification, will be granted interim approval until the application is fully processed by ELAP.  A laboratory will be required to have an on-site assessment performed prior to full certification being granted.

Complete Form 108 and/or Form 109 as appropriate.

Required Supporting Documentation

  1. Standard Operating Procedure
  2. Evidence of a Qualified Technical Director

Technical Directors for Total Microcystin Analysis shall be:

  • an individual with requisite credentials and experience for chemical analysis/organics as per Subpart 55.2-10 (e) (1), (2) or (3)


  • an individual with requisite credentials and experience for microbiological and/or biological testing as per Subpart 55.2-10 (h) (1) or (2)

3.  Initial Demonstration of Capability

Applicants will not be required to participate in proficiency testing (PT) studies.  In lieu of a PT requirement, the laboratory must submit an initial demonstration of capability.

The primary analyst will be required to meet the acceptance criteria as referenced in section 9.1 and summarized in Table 10 of EPA method 546. 

For all other analysts, each analyst prepares and analyzes the following:

  • Four (4) replicate lab reagent blanks (LRBs) following acceptance criteria in section 9.1.2 of EPA method 546.
  • Four (4) replicate laboratory fortified blanks at the proposed minimum reporting level (MRL) concentration for the assay following acceptance criteria in section 9.1.1 of EPA method 546.
  • Four (4) replicate laboratory fortified blanks at the action level (4 ppb for ambient water and 0.3 ppb for potable water) following acceptance criteria in section 9.1.1 of EPA method 546.

Questions pertaining to the certification can be sent to[1].