Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (


There are two opportunities that exist for undergraduates looking to gain experience in a laboratory setting:

  • Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)[1]: The Wadsworth Center has hosted an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer program for nearly thirty years. Students have been selected from colleges across the county to work for 10 weeks on independent research projects with scientists. 

  • Volunteers[2]: Students may volunteer in the laboratories for the academic year, the summer break or both. Scientists at Wadsworth Center will accept high school students as volunteers in their laboratories, although college students are more likely to find placement. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. If you wish to volunteer in a Wadsworth Center laboratory, consult senior staff to identify a specific scientist whose research is of primary interest to you and contact the scientist directly either by phone or e-mail.