Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Senior Staff

Christina Egan, Ph.D. [2]

Deputy Director, Division of Infectious Diseases

We focus on the development and validation of assays to detect pathogens and toxins associated with bioterrorism or food-borne disease. We utilize methods such as real-time PCR, whole genome sequencing, and mass spectrometry for rapid detection of agents.

Vincent Escuyer, Ph.D. [3]

Director, Mycobacteriology Laboratory

We are interested in the mechanisms underlying resistance of M. tuberculosis to major TB drugs and in the development and validation of molecular assays involving whole genome sequencing for rapid detection of drug resistant tuberculosis.

Pallavi Ghosh, Ph.D. [6]

Mycobacterial Stress Response

We study transcriptional reprogramming and regulatory networks in mycobacteria controlling resistance to genotoxic stress, hypoxia, nutrient starvation and exposure to antibiotics.
Robert L. Glaser

Robert L. Glaser, Ph.D. [7]

Director, Division of Laboratory Operations

The Division of Laboratory Operations oversees the Wadsworth Center's operations at five facilities in the Albany area, totaling ~900,000 square feet of space and over 210 acres of real estate.

Todd Gray, Ph.D. [8]

Molecular Genetics of Mycobacteria

We use innovative molecular genomic approaches to address fundamental questions of mycobacterial biology. Our findings shed new light on the evolution and function of mycobacterial genomes, accelerating tuberculosis research.

Bruce J. Herron, Ph.D. [9]

Mammalian Genomics

We utilize an array of mammalian genomic tools to discover genetic modifiers that influence multifactorial diseases. These susceptibility loci are targets for diagnosis and treatment of similar disorders in humans.

Denise M. Kay, Ph.D. [11]

Newborn Screening Program

We use targeted and genome-wide approaches to identify and characterize mutations/genes involved in diseases affecting children, including conditions screened by the NYS newborn screening program and birth defects.

Alexey Khodjakov, Ph.D. [12]

Cellular and Molecular Basis of Diseases - Mitosis

We seek to reveal the molecular mechanisms that enact error-free segregation of chromosomes during cell division. Advanced microscopy and laser ablations allow us to probe the behavior of individual chromosomes and spindle poles.

Haider A. Khwaja, Ph.D. [13]

Environmental Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory

We conduct multidisciplinary research to understand water and indoor and outdoor air pollution and their impact on human health.

Kerri Kluetzman, Ph.D. [14]

Research Scientist

The Transgenic and Gene Knockout Core produces and analyzes transgenic and gene knockout mice that can be used as animal models of human disease.

Pascal Lapierre, Ph.D. [16]

Bioinformatics and Statistics Core

My specific area of expertise within the Bioinformatics Core is bacterial genomics, evolution and phylogeny.

David A. Lawrence, Ph.D. [18]

Neuroimmunology and Immunotoxicology

We study the immunological aspect of the system biology effects from genetic susceptibilities and environmental stress defined as the exposome on autoimmune diseases, immune deficiencies, and neurodegenerative and neurobehavioral illnesses.

William T. Lee, Ph.D. [19]

Immunological Memory and Diagnostic Immunology

The goal of our research is to characterize the differences between antigenically naive (virgin) and memory T helper cells at the developmental, phenotypic and functional levels.

María C López, Ph.D. [20]

Clinical and Experimental Immunology

Our work strives to further the knowledge of the mechanisms behind mucosal immune alterations that can lead to food allergies and malnutrition.