Virtually from the NYS DOH Wadsworth Center
Empire State Plaza
Sturman Conference Room
Albany, NY 12201
United States
To reach a wider audience, videoconference technology will be utilized.
The Board solicits, receives, reviews and recommends applications for award from the Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund.
Pre-registration is required to gain access to the meeting. To attend this meeting via videoconference, please contact staff at 518-474-7002 or hrsb@health.ny.gov by June 27, 2022. Preregistered virtual attendees will be sent videoconference instructions closer to the meeting date. Attendees interested in providing a public comment must also submit written statements in an electronic format by June 27, 2022.
An audio recording of the meeting will be available in approximately two-three business days following the meeting at: https://www.health.ny.gov/events/webcasts/archive/.