Meeting Locations
- NYS DOH, Wadsworth Center, Biggs Laboratory, Sturman Conference Room, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY
- NYS DOH, Metropolitan Area Regional Office, Conference Room 4A-B, 90 Church Street, New York, NY
- School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Conference Room 3254, Jacobs, 955 Main Street, Buffalo, NY, 14203
Pre-registration: Pre-registration is required to gain access to the meeting. Interested parties should contact staff at scirb@health.ny.gov by November 13, 2024, for more instructions.
- 10:00 Call to Order and Opening Remarks of the Chair
- 10:15 Consideration of Meeting Minutes – 3/22/24 Exhibit 1
- 10:20 Public Comment
- 10:30 Consideration of Applications for Funding Exhibits 2a & b
- 11:45 Subcommittee Reports
- 12:00 Discussion of Penalties in future RFA Releases Exhibit 3
- 1:00 Public Vote on Applications for Funding
- 2:30 Program Update, Future RFA & Meeting Planning Exhibit 4
- 3:00 Vote to Adjourn