Amy B. Dean

Amy B. Dean, PhD

Viral Diseases Laboratory
PhD: University of Wisconsin–Madison (1998)
Postdoctoral training: Michigan State University-Lansing
Postdoctoral training: New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center
(518) 862-4322
Fax: (518) 869-6487

Research Interests

The Molecular Methods Development Team (MMD) in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases (LVD) evaluates high complexity diagnostic assays and platforms in order to enhance molecular-based diagnostics in virology and support the ability of the Wadsworth Center to rapidly respond to the emergence of viral pathogens. MMD works closely with the service laboratories of the LVD. MMD also rapidly develops research assays for outbreak response and other special circumstances. The long term goal of MMD is to develop rapid, accurate and cost-effective syndrome-based diagnostic assays for a broad spectrum of agents using the best available technology.

The group has past and present collaborative research studies utilizing these high complexity technologies. A MassTag PCR study with Dr. Ian Lipkin at Columbia University identified a new rhinovirus that appears to cause severe influenza-like illness. A NIH-funded project with Dr. Lipkin to evaluate influenza virus detection and subtyping on a microarray is nearing completion. A prospective study within LVD screened specimens received from participating NYS influenza sentinel physicians from patients with influenza-like illness for 11 respiratory viruses using a bead-based suspension-array assay validated by MMD.

Planned future studies include association between infectious disease and emphysema in a multicenter HIV cohort with Dr. Alison Morris at the University of Pittsburgh and the development of low-density arrays for the multiplexed detection of viral encephalitides. Other recent efforts included assay development, for avian influenza A H5 and seasonal influenza subtyping, as a consequence of pandemic preparedness and sub-type specific development of anti-viral resistance in influenza viruses.

Select Publications
Yang Y, Qiu J, Snyder-Keller A, Wu Y, Sun S, Sui H, Dean AB, Kramer L, Hernandez-Ilizaliturri F. Fatal Cache Valley virus meningoencephalitis associated with rituximab maintenance therapy. Am J Hematol. Epub 2018; 93 (4): 590-594.
Lee WT, Wong SJ, Kulas KE, Dupuis AP 2nd, Payne AF, Kramer LD, Dean AB, St George K, White JL, Sommer JN, Ledizet M, Limberger RJ. Development of Zika Virus Serological Testing Strategies in New York State. J Clin Microbiol. 2018; Feb 22 (56(3)): e01591-17. DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01591-17
Newman AP, Becraft R, Dean AB, Hull R, Backenson B, Hale G, Laven J, Bhatnagar J, Staples JE. Notes from the Field: Fatal Yellow Fever in a Traveler Returning From Peru - New York, 2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017; 66 (34): 914-915.
St George K, Sohi IS, Dufort EM, Dean AB, White JL, Limberger R, Sommer JN, Ostrowski S, Wong SJ, Backenson PB, Kuhles D, Blog D, Taylor J, Hutton B, Zucker HA. Zika Virus Testing Considerations: Lessons Learned from the First 80 Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR-Positive Cases Diagnosed in New York State. J Clin Microbiol. 2017; 55 (2): 535-544.
Dean AB and St. George K. Molecular method development and the establishment of a database for clinical and epidemiological HSV-1 strain comparisons. J Clin Microbiol. 2014; 52 (5): 1566-1574.