Two major awards totaling 15 million dollars have thus far resulted in 14 diverse projects completed.

Biomonitoring, the assessment of human exposure to environmental pollutants and dietary chemicals and the role exposure contributes to the etiology of human diseases and conditions:
- Children’s Health | early embryonic development/fetal growth, neonatal exposure, infant immune function, childhood obesity and cardiorenal risk, cardiovascular disease, respiratory airway function, chronic kidney disease, kidney disease, child health and development, World Trade Center (WTC) disaster exposure (adverse birth outcomes, adolescent effects, neurodevelopment (sex-specific effects), behavioral disorders
- Reproductive Health | fertility and fecundity, endometriosis, altered menstrual cycle, ovarian function, male fertility, health and pregnancy outcomes, birth weight, congenital hypothyroidism, measuring the exposome of pregnancy (what are women exposed to during pregnancy?)
- Other Diseases and Conditions | breast cancer, immune disorders (SLE and pregnancy outcome, SLE/lupus-related autoimmunity, celiac disease, cognitive decline in the elderly
- Biomonitoring of at risk populations | Great Lakes fish eaters, native populations in Alaska, National Children’s Study
- Exposure assessment; chemicals in the environment--exposure to humans through everyday life | indoor air, dust, water, soil, playgrounds, food, personal care products, pets as source of human exposure
- New emerging chemicals of concern | replacement phthalates, organophosphate flame retardants, melamine, glyphosate, dicamba
- New analytical methods for new chemicals and/or new matrices | iodide in newborn dried blood spots; melamine and cyanuric acid in urine; glyphosate and its degradation product in urine; perfluorinated compounds in deciduous teeth; microplastics in environmental and biological samples; BPA, parabens and antimicrobials in baby teethers; benzothiazoles and benzotriazoles in textiles and infant clothing; BPA and BADGES in dental sealants; phthalates in nail polish